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October 2023

This October issue of FORUM+ is dedicated to exploring the art school as an ecosystem in the 21st century. What does the 21st-century art school look like? What remains of the original mission of conservatoires and academies, after a series of institutional reforms and the introduction of research in the arts? And what challenges does the future hold? These are some of the questions that this new dossier "The art school as an ecosystem" seeks to address.

Yorgos Maraziotis, Untitled (Can you ever?), 2023, Installation view at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. Photo by WeDocumentArt.

The art school as an ecosystem Editorial

The art school in transition

Kevin Voets

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The art school as an ecosystem Artistic contribution

The sympoiesis garden

Eline De Clercq

This edition of FORUM+ holds a poster between her pages. It is a map of The sympoiesis garden, a project of many, with patches of words along a path for the reader to discover the project. This …

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The art school as an ecosystem

What’s in a name? Being an artist and a teacher: a seduction towards the centre

Ann Saelens

Today, art schools also educate our art teachers. Ann Saelens and Tanja Oostvogels, both theatre teachers and actors, are conducting research together at the KASK & Conservatory (HOGENT) on the …

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The art school as an ecosystem

Professionalizing teaching artists through process drama. An experiment with a community of practice of School of Arts alumni

Bob Selderslaghs

In 2023, lifelong learning and professionalization have become an integral part of the vocabulary in higher education. But what form can they take for art school alumni? Bob Selderslaghs researches …

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The art school as an ecosystem

Some thoughts on the School of Arts*

Johan Pas

The School of Arts is a pile of bricks, an institution, an ecosystem, a community, a biotope, an organization, an organism, an organ, a brain, and a pile of bricks. ... The School of Arts explores …

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The art school as an ecosystem

The academic career of the caterpillar track. Means of progression – Meaning of progress

Bert Willems

Discussing the forms of research that are relevant in higher art education, we can metaphorically use various means of progression. In that respect, the caterpillar track in particular stands out for …

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The art school as an ecosystem

Foraging as an artistic counter strategy

Frederiek Bennema

Frederiek Bennema introduces foraging as a strategy for learning and research within higher art education, and as a practice and an attitude focused on ecological thinking, care and dialogue. This …

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The art school as an ecosystem

Like a fish out of water. From artistic extractivism to oceanic grounding

Joeri Verbesselt

During his research stay in late 2020 on the small Pacific island of Pongso no Tao, Joeri Verbesselt went through an existential crisis about his nascent audiovisual artistry. The crisis confronted …

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The art school as an ecosystem

C’est aux fruits qu’on connaît l’arbre. Belgian music education during the civilising offensive of the belle époque

Jeroen Billiet

At the beginning of the belle époque, Belgian education was fully engaged in the first “Schoolstrijd” (school struggle, historical conflict between public and Catholic schools). Under the influence …

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The art school as an ecosystem

The academy as a mythical landscape

Yorgos Maraziotis

Yorgos Maraziotis’ artistic research Mythical Truths stems from his necessity to look into the school model as a pedagogical and cultural ecosystem where his vision of sculpture and archiving can …

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The art school as an ecosystem

FAST45 - Futures arts school trends 2045

Koenraad Hinnekint

In 2045, the world will look very different. Although we cannot predict this future, we can shape it. The question is how to prepare today for higher arts education in the future. How can we imagine …

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The art school as an ecosystem Review

"How Universities Die" according to Peter Fleming

Kevin Voets

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